Calf liposuction

Calf liposuction is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reshaping and resizing the calves. This procedure is perfect for individuals looking to make their calves or ankles more slender and elegant.

During the operation, the surgeon carefully removes excess fat using a cannula, which results in a reduction in volume. In some cases, combining the procedure with botox injections is recommended for better results, especially if the excess bulk is due to enlarged calf muscles.

Calf liposuction is typically performed under local anesthesia, and patients can return to their normal activities as soon as the next day. Swelling and bruising may be observed after the procedure, and during the first week, they may descend to the feet – this is normal and will quickly subside.

The results of calf liposuction are usually long-lasting, but patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve the results.

Typically, during calf liposuction, 400 to 900 ml of fat can be removed.

Possible areas for calf liposuction: calves, ankles.

Short surgery information

  • Duration of the operation: 1 hour

  • Type of anesthesia: sedation and local anesthesia; general anesthesia for patients weighing over 100 kg

  • Hospitalization: 2-3 hours

  • Return to normal life: the next day

  • Clinic visits: 2-3 times

  • Stitches removal: 7-14 days

Why do patients consider calf liposuction?

Excess Volume: This procedure is more commonly sought after by women. Bulky calves can hinder wearing feminine clothing, fastening boots, and give a bulkier appearance instead of the desired slender and feminine look.

Candidates for surgery

An ideal candidate for calf liposuction typically meets the following criteria:

  • Has excess fat in the calf area.

  • Sometimes patients confuse fat-induced volume with muscle-induced volume. It is important to consult with a surgeon to determine the cause and the appropriate solution.

  • Good overall health: Candidates should not have life-threatening diseases or medical conditions that could disrupt the healing process.

  • Non-smokers: The best results are observed in those who do not smoke or use vaping.

Why South Korea?

South Korea annually performs the highest number of cosmetic procedures and surgeries in the world. Local doctors are considered the most educated and competitive globally, as only 0.01% of medical school graduates become plastic surgeons. Korea’s medical equipment and technology are on par with the USA and Germany, ranking it in the top 3 countries with the best technical equipment in clinics.

All calf liposuction procedures are performed in accredited clinics with permission to treat foreign patients and on-staff anesthesiologists. All surgeons operating on our patients have 15 to 30 years of experience specializing in calf liposuction and do not operate on more than 2 patients a day. Please fill out the form so that we can calculate the cost of treatment for you, conduct a preliminary consultation, and prepare a plan for your trip to South Korea for the procedure.

How to prepare for liposuction in South Korea:

  • Fasting: Refrain from eating or drinking for 8 hours before the procedure. Take a shower.

  • Medications: Avoid taking Aspirin, Ibuprofen (including medications like Advil or Motrin), and other drugs that may increase the risk of excessive bleeding for 2 weeks before the surgery. Tylenol is only prohibited for 3 days before the operation.

  • Smoking: Do not smoke, including hookah and e-cigarettes. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and can slow down tissue healing. If you smoke, your doctor may recommend quitting before the surgery. Some surgeons refuse to perform surgery on smoking patients due to the high risk of complications. It’s also unsafe to be around smokers, including relatives and friends, or in designated smoking areas.

  • Medical History: Review your medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past illnesses, as well as any recent medications you have taken. Please do not hide this information from the surgeon and coordinators.

  • Consultation: Visit the surgeon for a consultation and show them photos of the desired results. Try to choose photos where the patient’s build is similar to yours.

  • Medical tests: If you have had tests less than a month ago, you can bring them with you. If not, all necessary tests will be conducted in Korea.

  • Transportation: Ask someone to drive you to the clinic or assist you after the surgery if you plan to arrive by car.

  • Prepare essentials: Place items near your bed that you may need during your rest, such as lip balm, water, a chocolate bar, or your mobile phone.

Surgery process

Before taking the patient into the operating room, the surgeon sketches the design on the body. Don’t worry about marker traces on the skin – after the surgery, medical staff will wipe the liposuction area with warm towels.

Before the surgery begins, the patient is escorted to the restroom, asked about their well-being, and their last intake of food and water. A catheter is inserted into the hand to administer pre-anesthesia medications. The operation area is disinfected, and the hands and feet are secured with straps to minimize the patient’s movement during sleep. Blood pressure is measured, and an anesthesiologist administers a sedative solution while monitoring the patient’s condition.

After the medication takes effect, and the patient is asleep, the surgeon administers a painkiller injection (usually into the buttock) and begins the operation. First, a medical solution is injected under the skin, turning solid subcutaneous fat into liquid, and a few minutes later, it is suctioned out using a cannula.

After completing the fat suctioning procedure, the incision edges (2-4mm) are closed with stitches, and the operation area is thoroughly dried with towels. The patient is awakened and assisted to their room for further rest and recovery.

What to expect after surgery

After the surgery is completed, the translator and medical nurses will wake you up and assist you in moving to your room. Most patients do not remember this moment and feel like they woke up in a warm bed – this is the effect of anesthesia.

In the first 10-20 minutes after waking up, you may experience shivering, but it will quickly pass. A warming mattress is placed on your bed to make this period more comfortable. Pain sensations will be minimal, as they are dulled by pain-relief injections and medications used during the surgery. You will be offered a chance to rest, drink orange juice, and have some porridge to aid in your quick recovery.

One hour after waking up, you should stand up and walk for 5-10 minutes in the clinic’s corridors. During this walk, you may feel discomfort similar to muscle soreness after a workout. However, the walk will help you adapt to the symptoms and understand your post-operative condition. If you do not experience symptoms like nausea and dizziness, the clinic staff will prepare you for discharge – you can change clothes, put on compression garments, collect your medications and recommendations, and go home.

Every time you move and exert the area where the surgery was performed, you will feel discomfort similar to muscle pain. However, there will be no painful sensations at rest, and your body will recover within 5-7 days.

Book a consultation with the clinic coordinator or plastic surgeon today!

You can book a consultation by filling out the QUESTIONNAIRE or contacting us through any messenger at +82-10-4214-9603.

Recovery process and description of procedures after liposuction

Immediately after the procedure: Pain at rest is absent, and medical fluid may be discharged from the stitches (do not be alarmed if it’s red). You can leave the clinic within 1-3 hours after the surgery if you do not experience symptoms like nausea, weakness, and dizziness.

Days 1-2: The surgical area starts to swell, and bruises may appear. Active movements may cause discomfort. Try to move and walk as much as possible – it helps reduce swelling and accelerates recovery.

Days 3-7: Swelling reaches its peak and gradually starts to decrease. Bruises (if present) begin to turn yellow. Both swelling and bruises may move lower than the surgical area – from the hips to the knees, from the knees to the calves, from the armpits to the elbows, or the chest. Do not be alarmed; this is a natural part of rehabilitation.

Days 7-14: Reduction in swelling, disappearance of any remaining bruises. The surgeon removes stitches, and you can start taking showers without waterproof bandages. Regular, extended walks are recommended for faster recovery. Don’t forget to apply healing ointment to dissolve the stitches, making the fact that you had surgery less noticeable.

Days 14-21: Patients perform daily activities without discomfort. Intensive workouts and physical exercises should still be avoided. Compression garments can be temporarily removed.

Days 21-30: Swelling continues to decrease, and the treated area gradually takes on a new shape.

Days 31-60: Residual swelling diminishes, and symmetry is restored. You can begin exercising, swimming in the sea or pool.

Days 60-90: Swelling completely subsides, and rehabilitation is near completion.

6 months after surgery: Full rehabilitation is achieved.

Frequently Asked Questions

We provide our patients with the final cost, which includes post-operative care, anesthesia, room stay, medications, and even VAT (which can be refunded as tax-free). The cost of calf liposuction ranges from 2,400,000 to 3,800,000 KRW depending on the clinic and the patient's initial condition. Accredited plastic surgeons in Korea caution that the surgery cost may change after a personal examination, measurement of the patient's parameters, and information about whether your surgery is the first or a revision.

Before & After

Patient results may vary. Please remember that to provide you with detailed information about treatment and your trip, you need to fill out a QUESTIONNAIRE, describe your desired results in detail, and attach your photos. The information provided on the website does not guarantee that this procedure is suitable for you.